Welcome to the Second Page

This page is the current information page and it will be updated regularly
with the things the gardeners and community would benefit from knowing about.

Millwood Farmers’ Market Vendors
Plant Sale

Saturday April 27, 2024
11 am to 3 pm

@ the Pumpkin Patch Community Garden 

Vendors from the market will be selling plant starts

Diane has been a friend of the garden donating starts for many many years.   Diane’s main business is dry land and other native area plants.   Yet Diane says there is something the compels her each year to make veggie plant starts available in the spring.  Her starts are also healthy and productive.    Click on the picture above to go to her website.

 Holly’s garden has veggies in the spring, and much more during the balance of the season. Holly has donated and helped plant veggie starts to the garden the past couple of seasons.  Her plants are healthy and productive, so we strongly recommend that you look to her as a source for starts.  Click on the image above to go to her website.

Our source for our potting supplies.  We recommend Greenhouse Megastore for their people and the outstanding service.

Our local source for grow lights & bulbs.  Also a great local source for potting trays and other supplies.

One of our favorite places to visit.  We really enjoy talking with Jeff and family.  We also really like all the worm and soil products they carry.

Spokane Tree Pro is an outstanding company.  We have been receiving some of their wood chip and they have been great to work with.  Give them a call when you need tree work, or if you want to get on their list of places to put chips.

Community participation welcome and invited @ the Pumpkin Patch.

Many people know the Pumpkin Patch Community Garden is on the hillside along Argonne, yet they do not know anything about it.  Then one day they stop in and decide to find out more.  You can read all about it on this website, or you can stop in this spring and say Hello.

Use the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page to ask any questions you may have

Garden Start Up Activities

The fenced in area for food bank and Millwood Impact food raising needs a lot of help getting the grass and weeds pulled.

The front eastern boundary needs the leaf piles moved over and onto the bank.

Soil needs to be sifted from the year old leaves and then moved up to the plot areas.

Open plot clean up by pulling weeds and adding soil.

“What is in it for me?’

I (Doug) received an appreciative comment from someone looking at this website.  She pointed out that we are doing a good job sharing our sincere appreciation for all that has be given to the garden.  Yet the site does not answer directly the question someone might ask, “What is in it for me?”  I’ve pondered this for several months now, and then the other day students from Millwood Impact were asking what it meant to be a community garden. 

Our mission statement guides me in answering these questions:  “Growing Food and Community”. 

By the way, a quick internet search turned up articles about the benefits of gardening





So what is in it for you? 

Growing Food:  The personal satisfaction of growing some of your own food.  You find joy putting your hands in the dirt to plant the seed, tend the plants, harvest the produce, and finally eat what you have nurtured.  The same experience of growing the food, yet with the satisfaction of giving someone else the satisfaction of enjoying it.

Growing Community:  Community being multiple participants contributing their part of the final outcome with benefits for themselves and others.  The garden’s presence has given many opportunities for individuals, organizations, and businesses to contribute to its operation.  Because of these contributions in 2022 the Later Day Saints students planted potatoes,  the Millwood Impact students (and others) harvested the potatoes, and people enjoyed eating the potatoes.

Growing @ the Pumpkin Patch Community Garden

Plots are being prepared and planting is beginning at the Pumpkin Patch.  Our peas have sprung and the garlic is showing.  We are glad to welcome several new gardeners and a significant group of returning gardeners.  We will miss seeing Kevin and Natalie. When you push the new black wheel barrow, the one that the wheel does not fall apart, you can whisper them a thank you. 

Millwood Impact is expanding to the western half of the fenced in area.  There is a lot of work to get the rows ready and your help would contribute very positively to the students.  Contact Jeremy and let him know you are interested.   

The Pumpkin Patch has the added help of two new board members and we are grateful for the help and ideas.

Finding the garden

Individuals, Local businesses and local organizations are invited to be a part of the garden.  All season long there are plenty of  growing and maintenance projects you can own and share in the common experience.

Volunteering at the garden is relatively safe and we encourage everyone to really be careful and think safety first.   We want you to be aware up front that any time or thing you do at the garden will be at your own risk.  So choose wisely what you are physically capable of doing, and know the safe way to work with tools.

We do not have restrooms at the garden, so plan your length of stay accordingly.  There are rest rooms down the street at the trail head, and at the Argonne library.  

We will have wheel barrows, shovels, racks and forks when we are there.  If you bring your own tools, then be sure to have them identified with your name. 

So if this is something you would like to be a part of, then use the link at the bottom footer section to contact us and decide want would be a meaningful contribution for you.

Wood Chips

Yes, the piles of wood chips are available for people to take, Contact us through the link at the bottom of the page and we can arrange a time to meet you and open the gate.  

If you need large size piles and have a place for a large truck to get in and out easily, then we can provide you with the contact information for three local companies.

Plant Starts

If you prefer to start your garden plot with Plant Starts, then we recommend you check with Desert Jewels when they open in the early spring.  The website does not list vegetable plants, but Diane always has plenty in her greenhouses.

Also, I just heard from Holly’s Custom Creations and Holly said, “Yes I am, all veggies, herbs and perennial plants”.  Holly anticipates having her plants for sell as soon as May 3rd.

Cables Across the Entrances

We have decided that we need to be pro-active in trying to limit the amount of illegal dumping on the property, and to limit the safety risk from people driving to fast as they use our front lot to turn around.   To prevent the above activities while you are at the garden we request that gardeners reconnect the cable after pulling in.  You do not need to lock it while you are there, but please lock it when you are the last to leave.

Support the Pumpkin Patch Community Garden by purchasing your IFG lumber from SAVEMORE Building Supply

IFG donated the wood for the original garden boxes in 2010 years ago, and in 2019 season they have done so again.  Our Quiet Supporter advocated on our behalf for wood to replace the the old boxes .  We thank them both for their extreme and gracious generosity.

Our Quiet Supporter also contacted SAVEMORE Building Supply about picking up the lumber at the Mill and delivering it to the garden.    SAVEMORE was completely on board with this and gave us this extremely generous gift.

 Give them a call at (509) 922-2934

or visit their website here

One of our new gardeners when told it was SAVEMORE  that had gotten and delivered the wood;  said, ” that sounds like SAVEMORE, I work with them all the time and they are wonderful.”

Stop in at 16215 E Sprague Ave Spokane Valley, WA 99037

Click here for directions